Monday, November 16, 2009

Felt from the bed...

It's 100% mommy's mistake...
Since she able to rollover, she prefer to play on bed
instead of being carry by oma or opa
On Saturday night, when mommy ready to put her on bed
Mommy leave Malika playing alone on bed,
while mommy turn on the cd player into Malika's fave lullaby
Without mommy realized, Malika already crawled into the side of bed
then suddenly.."bugggg!!!"
Malika just felt down from the bed and bumped into the floor
She did not cry straight away, she wait till mommy hold her
then started to cry..really loud!!!
She was quite "cengeng" because of that incident
and there's a small "benjol" on her forehead poor baby
I'm sorry...mommy promise wont be happen again