Friday, November 20, 2009


Since mommy back to work (after 1 year become jobless :P )
It's so relief can feel the "TGIF" sensation again
Especially since mommy have Malika, been waiting mommy at home..
Yesterday, mommy checked Malika's development
thru the Milestone Chart on the web
Seems Malika reach a lot of skills on her 4 months age !!!
She even able to do the advance skills, except teething.. lol
But for the solid food, mommy will stick to the ASIX
till Malika 6 months, then start with MPASI..
Oh ya, Malika also already recognizing to Opa, Oma, beside mommy ofcourse
And lily is not mommy's dog anymore,
as lily seems more care to Malika instead to mommy.. ha ha ha back to work.. :D
Thanks God is Friday...!!!

PS: Mommy loves this picture of Malika